Rugby: Leicester vs Worcester

A selection of shots from the game at Leicester yesterday, all taken with my long lens:

1/800 sec at f5.6, ISO 400 at 390mm

1/640 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

1/640 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

Interesting to compare the picture in the match report on the Beeb with my shot of the try scorer:

1/640 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

1/640 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

Unfortunately my shot of the player just about to touch down [this was the next frame, shooting at the full 6.5 frames per second] is a little blurred, due to the drop in shutter speed:

1/400 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

1/400 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 135mm

1/320 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 235mm

1/320 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 235mm

1/1600 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 360mm

1/1600 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 360mm

1/1000 sec at f5.6, ISO 400 at 400mm

1/1000 sec at f5.6, ISO 400 at 400mm

1/1600 sec at f5.6, ISO 400 at 400mm

1/1600 sec at f5.6, ISO 400 at 400mm

1/800 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 200mm

1/800 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 200mm

1/800 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 200mm

1/800 sec at f5, ISO 400 at 200mm