Cheerio iOS, Hello Android. For now…

I’ve decided to let my Apple Developer subscription lapse in a couple of weeks. I wavered over the decision when I realised that my apps would be disappearing off the App Store. Before they go, I did a little digging on iTunes Connect to see how they’ve done. Badly: a combined total of 2.15k downloads since I released WeighMe in December 2012.

Despite the paltry totals – oh, and let’s not forget my $24 in sales! – I was impressed to see that the apps have been downloaded in a total of 77 countries. So, for my solitary users in Armenia, Ghana, Paraguay and Uzbekistan: thanks for the downloads, folks!

I want to learn Java so my next handset, when I upgrade some time around the end of the year, will be running Android. If the iPhone 7 is released without an audio jack [as is heavily rumoured], I’d jump ship regardless. I have enough chargers and whacky adapters to last me a lifetime without adding more for headphones.

All of which is a lovely story, but when I tried Android about three years ago, I hated it. And if Apple do buck the trend with the audio jacks, the rest of the manufacturers will probably follow suit. So I may quietly return to the fold and pretend that I’ve never been away :).