Pin Your Pics 1.1 – New Version Coming Soon

Thanks to some very detailed feedback [cheers Nigel :)] a new version of Pin Your Pics will be appearing on the App Store some time soon. One of the primary pieces of feedback that I had was not being able to do anything with non location data images in the CollectionView was counter intuitive. Now, images without GPS data are labelled meaningfully, and link through to a preview. I also noticed that in the original image preview on the Map [where multiple image data is made available] that the control for the ‘popup’ view wasn’t mutually exclusive: if you browsed to another image around the edge of it in the view underneath, and brought up a second preview, you could never dismiss the original image. I’ve eradicated this with a semi opaque surround to the view so it now fills the screen.

Something else unexpectedly came up since the original release, which I discovered when my wife emailed me a picture from her Android phone. Quite an interesting picture of our cat being rescued by the Fire Brigade but that’s one for another time!

This one is a little – well, inelegant. On the iPhone, if you disable location services for the camera, the image’s EXIF contains no reference to GPS at all, so I have a boolean for this which is set on initial parsing. On my wife’s Android phone, the attributes seem to be there regardless, with values being set or null according to preference. I’ve put a fix in for it.